Thursday, June 28, 2012
3:04 PM

Time for the Flower Tattoo Designs 102.
Good designs and concepts for Flower Tattoo Lovers Worldwide. Colors, leaves and different species of flowers take part of the tattoo ideas below. Don't hesitate to comment about the designs and be happy for the rest of the day.
So please, enjoy.
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This Flower Tattoo is formed by six strings and six music symbols. Additionally, twelve points are flying around the Wind Rose. This pure black tattoo is well designed and structured. Good work.
5 beautiful flowers and a couple of black leaves are enough to represent these Flower Tattoo. Different colors and species in the same tattoo doesn't mean variety, I think the artist wanted to show his artistic abilities to the public. Those Tribal Lines in the background are great too. Enjoy.
Absence of color and being a draft don't make this Flower Tattoo a bad thing to carry on your skin. The drawing is good and the flowers and leaves are well designed. Keep the good work.
Stay tuned for more Flower Tattoo Designs like these. Take care and keep loving tattoos. Remember to share this post with your friends and relatives. Good bye.
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