Wednesday, June 13, 2012
3:28 PM

Very cute Chinese Dragon Tattoo Designs 101.
Coming from the Dark Ages of Ancient China and passing by the stones of the Great Wall, these Chinese Designs will give you some little and dirty tattoo ideas to show to your friends this weekend. Fire and dust are common factors in here.
Enjoy and comment.
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For sure, I don't need to say any more about this Chinese Dragon Tattoo, you can see it very well. The design is extraordinary and its originality is really impressive. Everything inside this tattoo is awesome and beautiful: colors, lines, drawings and that sun at the top is crowning every technical aspect in this design. Some Kanji Symbols are present at the center and four planets were trapped by the Dragon in the front. Fire and dust are rising from the Dragon's body and the tail finish like a Phoenix Bird. Good work.
Another good Chinese Dragon Tattoo Design. This one is being surrounded by stars, roses, sunflowers, butterflies, leaves and even a dried tree. I like the artist idea in creating this tattoo and the colors he or she used to create this piece of art. Excellent design. Very artistic and creative. Enjoy.
No great colors present in this master piece but grayscale shadows are enough to represent this beautiful Dragon Tattoo. The head of the beast is saying that this one is about a sleeping dragon resting in something as comfortable as clouds. Very original and smart.
That's all for now, my friends. I'm planning more Chinese Dragon Tattoo Designs like these in the upcoming days. Please, share this post with your friends and be happy. Good bye.
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