Friday, June 8, 2012
5:15 PM

Time for these Maori Tattoo Designs 102.
Three amazing Maori Tattoos to improve your life about different topics that, I' sure, you'll no regret in any way. Dragons, Scorpions and Suns are the commodities in these designs made absolutely to enhance your feelings and skin.
Just take a look and be happy.
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Need to say anymore about this Maori Tattoo? Extraordinary design of a Maori Scorpion in pure black, even its correspondent Zodiac Symbol of Scorpio is located at the center of that little white circle. Eight legs, one poisonous tail and a couple of pincers are making of this tattoo something you need to get inked right there in your flesh. Enjoy this beautiful master piece and comment something.
I don't know if this Maori Tattoo belongs to some kind of Ancient Culture but that smiling Sun is always represented in some famous Civilizations around the World. Grayscale only but good design anyway. It seems to be supported by three layers of Stars on the background. Enjoy.
Just one Dragon represented in a Maori Tattoo, but I think this one is just the beginning of a long way, due to the great design above. Good work and colors. Symbolism of this tattoo is awesome.
Subscribe by Email and send these Maori Tattoo Designs to your friends. Remember to be happy and go to your favorite Tattoo Shop in company of your beloved ones. See you later.
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