Sunday, December 22, 2013
9:48 AM
Women are treasured individuals in society. Without them, we're all nothing. For a few months of staying in their wombs, we're here living and enjoying life. Although, there are several issues about women, still they're important in this world. If you're one of them and want to stand with pride, Angel wing tattoos are excellent options to choose from. Whether you want to express your personality or just want to add sexy appearance on your body, these designs are truly meant for you.
First impression about angels
As you've read in several writings, angels were defined as winged creatures. In the bible, there are also several verses that discussed about angels. And according to Christians, angels are servants of god. During Mary's pregnancy, an angel was sent by god to tell her about the good news. On the other side, an angel also appeared in Joseph's dream telling him to take Mary and be the acting father of Jesus Christ. Today, these winged creatures are so popular by means of Angel tattoos.
It doesn't matter whether angels exist in this world or not. The important thing is how you will stand in nature as women. Well, angel wing tattoos are great ways to do such thing. These designs vary in sizes, styles and colors. If you wish to be an angel someday, you may want to get a wing tattoo on your back. However, angel wings are also suitable to other parts of the body including shoulders, upper arms and lower backs. In some cases, there are also women who decided to get inked on the neck. Anyway, it's all depends on your taste and fashion.
A way to express your inner personality
Angel wing tattoos are a great way to express inner personality. If you're shy to tell the world what's your goal in life, then you can use angel tattoos to send your message. Angel tattoos may also represent love and peace. Heart's Day is nearly approaching and you may want to impress your partner. If that's the case, you should choose a design wherein hearts and angels are blended together, and for sure your relationship will stand out.
Colors available for angel tattoos
Angel wing tattoos also vary in colors. And since love is your theme, you can choose the color red. Bright colors also add beauty and uniqueness to angel tattoos. These include pink, blue and yellow. Although there are wide selections available for angel designs, still it is important to choose a unique design.

Angels tattoo designs have been quite popular for the females. However, the lure of getting an angel wings tattoo design has had a much bigger pull nowadays. An angel's wing plays a big part in conveying the spirituality and mystery surrounding the heavenly being. Hence, it is only natural that most people prefer to settle for a pair of wings and still get the full effect of a fully inked angel.
Wings of Angels basically represent the triumph of good over evil. However, for the females - and males who choose to sport this tattoo design, the reason behind the symbol varies. There are those who see the ink as permanent protection, a symbol of the guardian angel watching over them. Others deem it as a representation of someone important in their life.
The most common placement of the angel wings tattoo design is that inscribed on the back. A logical move since this is their original location. However, others may choose to place it in varying body parts ranging from the lower back, shoulders or even on the ankles. Because of the varying sizes of the design, it's quite possible for the symbol to be placed on any body part. If you want the full angel effect, then this symmetrical design should cover the whole of your back. For those who do not want a large piece but would still like the full effect, you may place a small one at the corner of each shoulder.
Most angel wings are depicted in symmetrical designs. However, browsing through hordes of tattoo sites you will find patterns that lean towards the unique. In some galleries, you will find unsymmetrical angel wings that hold a message all on their own. Although this may not be your choice at first glance, a pair of angel wings with different patterns allow for a twist in the well loved design.
This particular design is usually depicted in shades of black and white. Basically, this is because angels are usually depicted as beings in full white regalia. However, blue works as well as any dark color you may choose to use. The play of colors may also be used to infuse the illusion of movement to the tattoo. Some designs are specifically made to be three dimensional, implying that the wings are in flight.
Angel wings tattoos are in every way as beautiful as a full bodied angel ink. The classic design is exquisite in its simplicity yet the amount of detail poured into every design is unique in itself. It's also possible for you to place your own twist to the angel wings theme, incorporating various designs with the basic ink. Such is the case with Nicky Hilton who placed a winged heart on her right wrist. The same could be done for virtually any other symbol.

Angel wings tattoo designs are another popular category to pick a tattoo image from. As some know though, getting an angel's wings on your skin is not as simple as going to a parlor and asking for one. There are some things you need to have in mind for you to get the right one.
Even if you have never been a Bible reader, popular stories would tell you that there are different kinds of artistic renditions of angels. The design of an angel wings tattoo will of course depend on the kind of angel as interpreted by an artist. You can have an archangel's wings which might appear large, encompassing and powerful since archangels are the highest angels. You might also prefer a guardian angel's wings that may be in a protective pose and with a lighter color than other wing designs. Cherubim and seraphim wings are smaller than other types. A final option would be either angel of death wings or fallen angel wings which would both appear bolder and darker.
The type of angel wings tattoo that you want is not the only one that will influence your tattoo's appearance. Different cultural and artistic influences as well as the artist's own imagination could also determine how your angel wings tattoo will look. Your tattoo could have elements of tribal, gothic, abstract or even avant garde styles. Since no one has ever really seen real angel wings, your tattoo artist would of course also have his own personal notions of what a specific angel type's wings would look. His concept might not be the same as yours. Be sure that you know exactly what you want before you get your angel wings tattoo.
One of the most important considerations you should have for your angel wings tattoo is its significance. What your tattoo stands for will influence how it will look. Here are some possible reasons why people get an angel wings tattoo:
- Angel's wings have come to symbolize a couple of ideas and values. People may want them because they stand for purity, morality, religion, protection, strength and beauty. Of course, fallen angel wings would have a slightly different significance for their owners.
- An angel wings tattoo might also signify aspiring for something higher. The wings may symbolize one day achieving that great personal dream.
- Among a lot of individuals the wings of angels with other additional images may also stand as a remembrance for a significant person who has passed away.
- For others, an angel wings tattoo is simply a personal preference and an expression of style and beauty.
A final consideration for your angel wings tattoo would be its placement. One of the most popular areas to place such a tattoo would be on the back. In a way, this placement mimics the idea that wings really are found on the back. Depending on your wing type, you could have a full back tattoo stretching from your shoulders to your hips. You could also get small cherubim wings on your upper back or on the back of your neck. Other body parts however might also look good with an angel's wings. You could put one on your arm, ankle or lower back.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
5:21 PM
The the latest poll displays of which females surpass guys inside tattoo designs. Times when tattoo designs had been pretty much entirely intended for ocean adventurers as well as poor guys tend to be gone. Females are tattooing their bodies a lot more compared to ever, and even more when compared with guys. Put culture, movies and also tv set have got made tattoo designs much more socially acceptable. Just take a look at the the latest Pop Megastars and also notice how they are demonstrating their System Art proudly and also publicly by way of networking. Tattoo Shops are tattooing more and Tattoo Expos are exploding everywhere.
Since it is not a secret that women are more sociable than men, the study shows that women like to share the "tattoo experience" with their friends and relatives. Beside little or medium tattoos, women prefer designs with some kind of meaning because they tend to take tattoos more seriously than men.
However, parents of teenagers don't like too much this tendency. Teenagers seem to take the art of tattooing so lightly. Majority of them don't know that underage tattooing is illegal in the United States.
The study recommends parents to talk more with their younger sons and daughters about tattooing and tell them that tattoos are not a joke, specially because tattoo removing is usually expensive and painful and takes various sessions to remove completely, and sometimes "almost" completely.
Tattoo artists worldwide have seen their customers increase in numbers in recent times, especially girls who are more rebellious and liberated than ever.
Without doubt, influence of Pop Culture, Movies and Television is notable in today's girls, showing that tattoos are being more acceptable by female population but, what about employers? Have employers updated their mind to employ people with noticeable tattoos? I think that's a good question.
Women represents around 59% of all tattooed people in the United States and their favorite ones are angels, roses (flowers) and hearts. No more boyfriend's names in their wrists (how they learn so fast?) and upper and lower back are good places to show the tattoo.
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